Sunday Morning
September 15, 2024
Wednesday Night
September 11, 2024
Kung Fu San Soo 7:00pm (Fellowship Hall)// New Believers – Foundations in the Faith 7:00pm (Rm 210)
Spanish Bible Study 10:00am (room 204)// Addiction Ministry – New Thirst 7:00pm (Rm 202)// Women's Bible Study- Fellowship Hall 7PM
Bible Study with Raul Ries (Matthew) 7:00pm
Bible Study 10:00am (Fellowship Hall) Men’s Fellowship 7:00pm (Fellowship Hall) Mission’s Prayer (Rm 210) 7:00pm (1 st Thurs of the month) Young Adult – The Pursuit 7:00pm (Rm 202/203)
Philippians 2:25-26
Remember, Paul had heard that the Philippians were murmuring, complaining, and causing division among themselves. He decided that the best thing to do was to send two faithful, fellow brethren to them––young Timothy and Epaphroditus. They were men whose characters were proven and tried.
Notice the many references Paul used to describe his dear friend Epaphroditus––brother, fellow worker, fellow soldier, and messenger. There was a comradeship between them––he was a fellow brother-in- arms. They worked together for the Gospel’s sake. Epaphroditus’ mission was two-fold––to bring Paul a monetary gift for his...