Our vision for this ministry is to see young adults rooted and grounded in the Word of God and to encourage them to serve in the general ministry. On Thursday nights you can find us worshiping, praying, receiving God’s Word, and fellowshipping with one another. This ministry is aimed towards those in college, as well as, those starting on their career path.
The Pursuit should only be a supplement to young adults. They should be attending Sunday and Wednesday night services to know who their pastor is and to know his heart beat for the ministry.
We desire for the young people to catch hold of Pastor Raul’s vision, and to learn how they are to seek God for the purpose He has for them in life and in the ministry. We want to encourage this generation to pursue a new depth in their relationship with Jesus. Through that pursuit of maturity in the Lord, which in turn would overflow into every area of their lives; resulting in a mature generation that seeks the Lords will in their lives.
Suggested Reading:
Doctrines: A Simplified Road Map Of Biblical Truth
Author: Raul Ries
The Crucified Life
Author: A.W. Tozer
We Meet: Thursday at 7:00PM upstairs in Room 203