
A wise man builds upon the Rock.
Matthew 7-24-25

We are blessed to see men and women come forward and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior at many of our services here at CCGS. Each person who accepts the Lord is a miracle of the Lord. It is a great work of the Holy Spirit and we should never take it for granted.

Going forward at the altar call is just the first step. If we want to have healthy sheep, we have to provide the necessary tools for them to grow in their knowledge and relationship with Him. Without the knowledge of God and His Word, they will not be able to withstand the ploys of the enemy.

To equip our new believers, we have established our Foundations in the Faith class, with a series of studies designed to establish the basic foundational principles of the Christian faith. There are eight key doctrines covered: The Word of God, Sin, Salvation, The Deity of Jesus, The Holy Spirit, The Trinity, Trials and Temptations.

A booklet is given to accompany these subjects, so students can follow along, as they are being taught. The booklet also contains corresponding homework. Come get started and join us!

We Meet: Monday evening 7:00PM in room 210

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