The Lord has established this ministry to reach out to those who are sometimes forgotten or ignored. They are whom we call the ELDERLY.
But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd (Matthew 9:36 NKJV).
We live in a fast-paced society: fast food, fast cars, drive through this and drive through that. Yet, the elderly live a life that seems to stand still.
For some, life is just a bed and four walls; for others a wheelchair and a hallway. For many, it may be watching television all day, playing cards or visiting roommates, while listening to the same story over and over again.
They long to see new faces and hear new stories from someone who is not too busy. Please understand, not all these beautiful people get visits from family and friends.
Who are these we call the elderly? Who are these society labels nonproductive?
They have been or are husbands, wives, parents and great/grandparents. They are those who have raised families, worked hard and stood the test of time with life’s ups and downs. Some have fought the good fight, have finished and ran the race well (2 Timothy 4:7) and are waiting to go home to be with the Lord. Yet, there are so many others who have yet to make peace with God and be assured of eternal life.
The purpose of the Compassion Ministry is to reach out to those in these facilities and also here in the body. We want to reach them through sharing, prayer, conversation and fellowship; letting them know Somebody loves and cares for them.
Please pray for this ministry and how the Lord would use you to reach out, in love, to those who sit and wait for a visit.