This ministry is open to men and women of all ages, who have a passion for football soccer and a greater passion for Jesus Christ. Our goal is two-fold: to promote discipline, fitness, family fellowship and to learn more about our LORD and savior JESUS CHRIST to those who are walking with Jesus; and to use football soccer as a tool to reach people through simple and biblical evangelism at our soccer matches, practices and daily living.
Weekly practices are held at various fields, starting out in prayer, allowing team members to exercise the gift of prayer amongst all team members. There are monthly local and International Evangelistic Football Soccer outreaches and events.
We always place JESUS in the front of the pack, knowing the spiritual aspects of this ministry are first and physical fitness is a second objective.
We encourage everyone to be a part of this wonderful sport of football soccer, inviting believers and non-believers, grateful that He, JESUS, remains our “team captain”.
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