
Be A Witness

Be a Witness? Some people may question, “What is that?” How do you go about it? Witnessing seems to have become a lost art among Christians these days. Of course, witnessing is not an art, but we are empowered to witness through the dunamis––dynamite––power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8). It is Christ who does the saving, but we are called to share the Gospel message with others (Matthew 28:19).

Most new believers who have come to Christ cannot stop sharing the Gospel with others. The Good News of Jesus Christ is shared without hesitation. This is a natural outpouring of the Holy Spirit’s working in their lives.

There are many books and church classes to better equip the saints––believers–– on how to evangelize the lost. Greg Laurie recently wrote a book called “Tell Someone.” But once saved, that is exactly what people, especially in the Jesus movement, did. They found someone with whom they could share their faith, without being instructed on how to do it.

Many Christians who have walked with Christ for a long time have grown comfortable and complacent. They have become wrapped up in their own lives. Sadly, others have become indifferent. Have they forgotten what it was like when they were new believers? Once saved from eternal damnation, instantaneously, they were concerned for their friends and family. They were driven by an urgency, zeal, boldness and passion to see their loved ones and friends saved. They wanted them to go to heaven.

We are often challenged by Pastor Raul, “When was the last time you brought anyone to Christ?” It takes an honest and close examination of your life to answer that question. Could it be that believers have gotten out of the habit of memorizing Scriptures? Have they have forgotten how to lead a person to Christ through key passages of Scripture concerning salvation? However, we should all know John 3:16, right?

Simple, humble shepherds shared the news of Jesus’ birth, and it spread like wild fire––from person to person: Now when they had seen Him, they made widely known the saying which was told them concerning this Child. And all those who heard it marveled at those things which were told them by the shepherds (Luke 2:17-18).


After hearing John the Baptist declare Jesus to be “The Lamb of God,” Andrew found his brother Simon Peter and told him: “We have found the Messiah” (which is translated, the Christ). And he brought him to Jesus (John 1:41-42).

Reflect on Jesus’ short ministry. He shared the Gospel with the multitudes, but He often had intimate moments with just one single person. The Samaritan woman, after a conversation with Jesus, came to grips with her sin and the revelation of Christ as the Messiah. She shared her new found faith to the whole city! She wanted everyone to come see Him for themselves (John 4).

Have you ever gone out into the world and just looked deeply into other people’s faces while they go about their daily lives? Do you ever wonder about them? Some are sad, lonely and depressed. Others seem happy and content. But in eternity, where will they be?

If you saw people trapped in a house on fire, you would sense the urgency to save them. It is no different looking at hell-bound sinners around you. You have to have the same urgency to warn them of the real perils of eternal death.

This Christmas, and entering into a New Year, let us pray to be filled with the Holy Spirit as we share the Gospel with others. We need to ask the Lord to help us be more aware of the opportunities to share the Good News with people who are spiritually lost around us.

Let us be like the shepherds who simply shared with others what they had heard and seen concerning the birth of Christ. We can learn from the Samaritan woman how to share with people who Christ is, and how He has changed our lives. Like Andrew, who brought His brother Simon Peter to Christ, we can share Christ with our family members and invite them to church.

Jesus has given us a command, “Go and make disciples.” Prayerfully, obediently, and by faith, let us step out of our comfort zone and share the Gospel with others.


Claire Wren