Sunday Morning
September 8, 2024
Wednesday Night
September 4, 2024
Kung Fu San Soo 7:00pm (Fellowship Hall)// New Believers – Foundations in the Faith 7:00pm (Rm 210)
Spanish Bible Study 10:00am (room 204)// Addiction Ministry – New Thirst 7:00pm (Rm 202)// Women's Bible Study- Fellowship Hall 7PM
Bible Study with Raul Ries (Psalm) 7:00pm
Bible Study 10:00am (Fellowship Hall) Men’s Fellowship 7:00pm (Fellowship Hall) Mission’s Prayer (Rm 210) 7:00pm (1 st Thurs of the month) Young Adult – The Pursuit 7:00pm (Rm 202/203)
Psalm 34:18
Many hearts were broken and crushed on September 11, 2001. We must never forget what happened––it is a day that lives on in infamy. Today marks the 23rd anniversary of the September 11th attacks, when people watched in utter horror as two of four hijacked planes were flown into the Twin Towers at the World Trade Centre in New York City.
Another two hijacked planes flew toward their targets. One intentionally crashed into the Pentagon, killing 184 people, while the other, it is believed, was rapidly heading in the direction of the White House. Brave passengers and crew sought to regain control of the plane, which eventually crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. These suicide terror attacks were attributed to al-Qaeda Islamic extremists....