“Annie Stone is co-director of women’s ministry at Maranatha Chapel in San Diego, Ca. Previous to joining the staff at Maranatha, Annie’s family served as missionaries in Paris, France, supporting local French churches. She has a passion for women to catch the reality of the love of Jesus Christ. Annie is wife to Pastor Shawn Stone and mother to three children: 15, 13, and 12.”
The theme verse is from Galatians 5:16-17 NIV So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. 17 For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want.
Our heart for the conference is that the girls would understand that we are born sinners with a sin nature. It is not natural to be spiritual. It is more natural to follow the desires of our flesh. You see that in raising young children. You don’t have to teach a child to have a tantrum or to say no. We believe that this truth is important for young women to understand as walk with the Lord. Everyday they have to make a choice, do I follow my spirit or my flesh. And living in a world that is driven to entice the flesh, we have found many discouraged and hopeless.
Having a devotional life is vital to walking in the Spirit, but many don’t know where to begin or how to start. Maybe you are short on time or want to take your devotional life to a deeper level. Join us as we discuss various ways to approach having that important devotional time with the Lord.
Sharing your faith can be intimidating, but we have all been commanded to share the Gospel. Join us as we look at how Jesus shared with people He came in contact with and how we can apply those same principles practically.
As an important member of the Body of Christ, the Holy Spirit desires to impart spiritual gifts to each one of you. Join us as we overview the 21 gifts of the spirit and discover what spiritual gift(s) you may not know you have!