Jubilee: what does this word bring to your mind? Perhaps you may think of a strong emotion such as joy? Or maybe those into comic books might think of a fictional mutant super hero, created by Marvel, named Jubilation Lee or Jubilee. Others may think of England’s Queen Elisabeth II, when she celebrated her Diamond Jubilee on Tuesday, June 5, 2012, when England honored her sixtieth year of reign. This joyful celebration was held across the United Kingdom during the first week of June.
Interestingly, the word Jubilee is a biblical word stemming from Jewish culture. There is some debate, whether the celebration happened every 49 or 50 years. The year of Jubilee followed the last year of seven Sabbatical cycles and was announced by a blast from a shofar; an instrument made from a ram’s horn, on the Day of Atonement. Men who had become poor or in debt could sell their land or become slaves; their land or freedom, would be returned and any debt cancelled in the year of Jubilee. It became a time of great emancipation in Israel. Then God would be remembered as a God of mercy (Leviticus 25:8-13; 47, 55).
Can you imagine if all your credit card debt, mortgage, college loans or any other debt was cancelled? Now that would be something to celebrate! Deeper still, think about our sins, it took the blood of Jesus Christ, shed on the cross, to bring about our great emancipation. In God’s mercy towards us, our sins are forgiven; Jesus Christ paid a debt we could not pay.
And you, who were dead in your trespasses . . . God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross (Colossians 2:13-14, ESV).
This is the wonderful biblical backdrop, for the vision of Camp Jubilee, which was established when God commissioned Sharon, Pastor Raul’s wife, as a young mother to protect her children and the children of the church, from the evil events taking place on the LORD’S day, October 31. God instructed her to take back His day and celebrate the victories of the LORD of Host.
However, Halloween for many families seems harmless, as kids dress in cute costumes and go door to door saying ‘trick a treat’ for candy. Unfortunately, there are those sick minded people who seek to do them harm. Nowadays, parents are worried about the unthinkable, razor blades and needles buried within tampered candy or even drugged laced goodies.
The day itself has become a creepy macabre celebration of the dead; streets are filled with golems and goblins, witches and demons. Young children are afraid of the morbid masks drenched in pretend blood or life like monsters with hatches buried in their skulls. Let alone the rated X, scanty, sexual adult costumes plainly inappropriate for our children to see.
Originally, October 31 was known as, “All Saints Eve.” A time to remember the dead, including saints, martyrs, and all the faithful departed believers. The word Halloween means “hallowed evening” or “holy evening.” The history goes back centuries; it became a holiday steeped in feasting and games of divination. It was also believed that the souls of the dead returned home one night or day. In Europe, they believed the dead from church yards rose for one wild, hideous carnival, known as the dance macabre.
The history is lengthy but well worth the education; in order to reason with people on why we have chosen to take this Lord’s Day back from celebrating the dead to have a jubilant celebration of the biblical heroes, those saints alive in heaven!
Calvary Chapel Golden Springs invites the masses of families in Diamond Bar and surrounding areas, to enjoy the free, safe haven of joyful fun. It is a camp full of jubilant song and celebration; of famed bible heroes where their stories of valor and victories are retold. Bible based games are played and candy galore is handed out to eager children. God’s great name is exalted; the King of Glory, invincible in battle!
C. Wren