
Looking Up

A strange blue light flashed across California’s dark horizon on the evening of November 7 and was seen as far as Nevada. This was certainly not a Kmart blue light special!  The sighting caused a great number of different social media emotions and reactions.

People freaked out as they stared at the sky making comments such as: “What is this?”, This is crazy!” and “This is creepy!” Others, who were trying to figure it out, questioned: “Are we under another terrorist attack?” or “Is this the end of the world?” Some came to an awful panicked conclusion: “We are all going to die.” One source gave a disturbing speculation that the federal government is preparing an anthrax attack from the sky.

Then a very common question: “Are we being invaded by aliens?” Those that believe they exist finally had the proof they were all waiting for. The answer to, “Are we alone in the universe?” had finally, beyond a doubt, been answered.

The phenomenon, however, was explained as being a trident 11 D5 missile, which was unarmed and launched from the submarine USS Kentucky, during a military exercise off the coast of California. According to naval statements the missile was “classified” before being launched. The missiles emissions glowed blue as it picked up the sunlight from the higher atmosphere while streaking across the dark sky.  It certainly caused people to look up!

Christians have this familiar cliché ‘keep looking up,’ in fact Pastor Raul gave a sermon recently entitled just that! As the world gets more dangerous and chaotic the signs of the times point us to Jesus’ imminent return and cause us to ‘look up’. Luke 21: 28 (KJV), says:

And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

However, there will be another glorious day that will catch the attention of the whole world and their eyes will be drawn to the glories in the skies, the day when they look up and see Jesus return:  Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory (Luke 21:27).

What a wonderful day that will be for some and for others they will wail. Why? I guess they were not ready . . .


Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him,  and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.                                            Revelations 1:7 (KJV)

C. Wren